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Tips for selecting a site developer

I got this idea, Tips for Selecting a Site Developer, from my friend Zunaid. We always chatting about WordPress and the ecosystem around it. A growing concern for me and a problem is meeting and learning about website owners that a website designer has told half-truths. This usually happens when the site owner’s expectations surpass what the web designer can accomplish. There are more reasons why a working relationship can fail.

To ensure you find experienced, reliable, and honest website developers, asking the right questions is crucial. Here are some expanded explanations for each question to help you understand their importance and what to look for in the answers:

  1. What is the difference between CSS Flexbox and CSS Grid?
    • CSS Flexbox is designed for one-dimensional layouts, either in a row or a column. It excels in aligning items and distributing space within a container.
    • CSS Grid is for two-dimensional layouts, allowing you to work with both rows and columns simultaneously. It provides more control over the layout, making it ideal for complex designs.
  2. Do you know how to use CPTs (Custom Post Types) with ACF (Advanced Custom Fields)?
    • Custom Post Types (CPTs) allow you to create different types of content beyond the default posts and pages in WordPress. Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) lets you add custom fields to these post types, providing more flexibility in content management. A developer proficient in CPTs and ACF can tailor your website to meet specific needs.
  3. Do you know how the WordPress template hierarchy works?
    • The WordPress template hierarchy is a system that determines which template file(s) WordPress uses to display a page. Understanding this hierarchy is essential for customising themes and ensuring that the right templates are used for different types of content.
  4. What is the difference between IDs and classes?
    • IDs are unique identifiers used to style a single element. They should be used sparingly and only once per page.
    • Classes can be applied to multiple elements and are used for styling groups of elements. They provide more flexibility and reusability in your CSS.
  5. What are pseudo-classes?
    • Pseudo-classes are keywords added to selectors that specify a special state of the selected elements. Examples include :hover for when a user hovers over an element, and :nth-child for selecting elements based on their position in a parent element.
  6. What are HTML attributes used for?
    • HTML attributes provide additional information about HTML elements. They are used to define properties such as idclasssrchref, and alt, which can affect the behaviour and styling of elements.
  7. Are you able to code a WP hook?
    • WordPress hooks (actions and filters) allow you to modify or extend WordPress functionality without altering core files. A developer who can code hooks can customise your site efficiently and maintain compatibility with future updates.
  8. Do you know how to create a shortcode?
    • Shortcodes are small code snippets that allow you to execute functions within WordPress posts, pages, and widgets. They are useful for adding dynamic content and functionality without writing extensive code.
  9. What website builder will you use on WordPress and WooCommerce? Hint: Stay away from WP Bakery, Divi, and maybe Elementor.
    • While WP Bakery, Divi, and Elementor are popular, they can sometimes lead to performance issues and bloated code. Look for developers who prefer lightweight and efficient builders like Gutenberg, Bricks Builder, Oxygen, Zion or custom-built solutions to ensure your site remains fast and maintainable.

By asking these questions, you can gauge a developer’s expertise and ensure they have the skills to build a high-quality website tailored to your needs. If they struggle to answer or provide vague responses, it might be a red flag regarding their experience and reliability.

I hope this short tip helps in some way to assist website owners from falling prey to inexperienced designers.

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